Excercise 1: 10 SELECT SQL Statements Examples with video explained in Khmer
This is the basic SQL SELECT Statements for you to practise to get database on a certain condition asked. I have prepare 10 questions examples for you with answers. I hope this will help you to learn more how to work with SQL Statements.លំហាត់ MySQL SQL SELECT Exercise: #1 | #2 | #3

Learn More Introduction to Database (SQL) in Khmer with videos: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Here is the ER Diagram (Table Relationship):

The question in video is in Khmer, may help you more.

#1 Show all information about authors
SELECT * FROM authors;
#2 Show all types of books
SELECT * FROM types;
#3. Show all books information that have page greather than 200 pages.
SELECT * FROM books where pageCount > 200
#4 Show all book information that pages between 100 and 200 pages.
SELECT * FROM books where pageCount BETWEEN 100 AND 200;
SELECT * FROM books WHERE pagecount >=100 AND pagecount <= 200;
#5 Show all class students take (show once if class is the same)
SELECT DISTINCT class FROM students;
EP08 សំនួរចម្លើយប្រើ SQL SELECT Statement ផ្នែតទី១This video explain all the table and answer to question 1 to 5.
#6 Show all name of the authors.
SELECT name FROM authors;
#7 Show all books name which written by author name "Jack" (two table - INNER JOIN)
SELECT B.name, A.name
FROM authors A INNER JOIN books B ON A.authorID = B.authorID
WHERE A.name='jack';
#8.Show name, gender, data of birth and class of all students.
SELECT name, gender, birthDate, class FROM students;
#9. Show all female student information with name, date of birth, and class
SELECT name, birthDate, class FROM students where gender='f';
#10. Show all female student information that have point greater or equal to 800
SELECT * FROM students WHERE gender='F' AND point >=800;
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EP09 សំនួរចម្លើយប្រើ SQL SELECT Statement ផ្នែតទី២
This video explain from question 6 to 10.