SQL Data Types

SQL-Data-Types by Kanak InfoSystems

SQL Data types are little different from DBMS (Database Management System) like Microsoft Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and so on.

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Below are common Data Types in SQL.
◾ Numeric data types: These data types are used to store numbers (exact numeric data types and approximate numeric data types)

Exact numeric data types: These data types store numbers with exact precision.

Approximate numeric data types: These data types store numbers with approximate precision. They include FLOAT and REAL.

Character and string data types: These data types are used to store text. They can be divided into two categories: character data types and Unicode character data types.

Character data types: These data types store text that is encoded using a single-byte character set. They include CHAR and VARCHAR.

Unicode character data types: These data types store text that is encoded using a Unicode character set. They include NCHAR and NVARCHAR.

Date and time data types: These data types are used to store date and time values. They include DATE, TIME, DATETIME, DATETIME2, and SMALLDATETIME.

Binary data types: These data types are used to store binary data. They include BINARY and VARBINARY.

Miscellaneous data types: These data types are used to store special types of data. They include BIT, BLOB, CLOB, XML, CURSOR, and TABLE.

More in PL/SQL Data Type

source by Technicalblog

Video Lesson about MySQL SQL SELECT Exercise: #1 | #2 | #3
More in SQL Server Data Type
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