How to Creating and Using Functions in PHP Tutorial Khmer

Hello everyone! This blog post for PHP functions in khmer. I will try explain how you make and use function in PHP as simple as posible in Khmer language.
If you want to learn more, please check our: [PHP Tutorial in Khmer Playlist].

What is a PHP Function?

PHP function is block of codes. We write one and use again and again. We can create different types of custom functions base on our need.

Why Use PHP Functions?

  • Reusability: Write once, use many time.
  • Organization: Code become organized and clean
  • Maintainability: Easy to change if need update one function or one place only
  • How to Create a Function

    You make a function by use keyword function and give a name, if you need to input data through it put curly braces.
    For example:
        function sayHello() {
            echo "Hello friends, learn php goto -";
    This is custom functions. You can create your own function for your own work.

    How to Use a Function

    After you create a function, you can use it by call function name with parentheses. Example:
        sayHello(); // this call will show "Hello friends, learn php goto -"
    This is very simple and basic. With PHP tutorial khmer, you can learn more many function type in video below.

    Custom Functions with parameters

    Custom functions are very useful. You can pass information to function by using parameters.
    See example:
        function greeting($name) {
            echo "Hello " . $name . "!";
        greeting("Sokha"); // will print Hello Sokha!
    This code show how you can use parameter inside your function.

    Hope you learning something from this tutorial. Happy Learning. Sharing is caring
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