Hello everyone, this page is the collection all related to Basic PHP Tutorial in Khmer - document and video speak khmer.
👉 XAMPP Download Install and Configure for PHP or Laravel
👉 Getting Start PHP with VS Code (install Extensions)
👉 Understand PHP Variables and Data Type
👉 PHP Control Structures ( If, Else, and Switch and loops)
👉 Videos Example of Functions in PHP Khmer

Why PHP?
As you may know, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular computer language for making websites. Many websites use PHP and other front-end technology to show different content, collect user data, and work with databases.How to Start PHP?
To write PHP, you need a local server. Install XAMPP or MAMP on your computer. These programs include Apache (server), MySQL (database), and PHP. Check out link below for detail step by step with videos.👉 XAMPP Download Install and Configure for PHP or Laravel
Getting start PHP with VS Code
To write PHP code we need code editor like VS Code or PhpStorm or other text editor. In the tutoria linke below show exactly how to do it.👉 Getting Start PHP with VS Code (install Extensions)
PHP Variables and Data Type
Variables and Data Type are two key to understand for all programming language. Each programming language has similarity and unique feature to make it different.👉 Understand PHP Variables and Data Type
PHP Control Structures
In PHP have conditional statement (IF, IF Else, and Switch) and Loops (Do while, while, for and foreach). Videos in link below explain with examples.👉 PHP Control Structures ( If, Else, and Switch and loops)
Type of Functions in PHP
Functions are used in every programming. It is a block of codes, write one use many time.👉 Videos Example of Functions in PHP Khmer
PHP Arrays
In PHP consist of three type of arrays.- Index Arrays
- Associative Array
- Multidimensional Array